Thursday, February 6, 2014

Flourless Chocolate Cake

I never imagined I would cook something flourless. It just wouldn't cross my mind UNTIL I was shopping at 2am in the morning. Yes, shopping. If you live in QLD, Australia then you will be familiar with the ridiculous 36 hour shop right before Christmas. 

It started when I needed a coffee, I was over Christmas shopping, I was tired and I desperately needed a pick me up. Although I didn't want anything heavy. I ordered my coffee and noticed what looked like a chocolate fudge cake. I couldn't believe my eyes when I read that it was FLOUR LESS! No flour? Whatever. I decided to give it ago. I needed a pick me up and banana bread was not the answer. I needed chocolate and this was my only option.

 It was mouth watering. 

It wasn't very sweet but the side of strawberries and cream complimented the cake amazingly. 

Tonight I decided to make my own flourless chocolate cake. Here is the final picture! 


I thoroughly recommend reading the whole recipe first instead of reading as you bake. DO NOT use a pan witha removable base (springback). It will ruin the cake.

My cakes ended up VERY thin, thinner then what it should be although I had a few mishaps with the recipe. So that possibly could have just been me. But I layered it with two slices and it was perfect. 

Enjoy xx